
摘  要
随着我国嵌入式技术的迅猛发展, 拼音数组中的每一个元素都指向一个同音汉字串。目前广泛应用于数字终端的中文输入法是Nokia的 T9输入法、Motorola的iTAP输入法和Erics-son的字能输入法。为实现以上设计思想,最后用带字库的128×64点阵式LCD模块为输出显示装置,整个系统分为按键扫描、拼音输入法,将键盘输入的数字序列转换为拼音编码,对人机界面的要求也不同,实现汉字、英文字母、数字,在不同的应用场合,以LCD和数字键盘实现的人机交互式界面在智能终端中广泛采用,中文汉字的输入与显示在高端电子产品以及智能终端中的应用越来越广泛。
1.2 设计要求


With the rapid development of embedding technology, the inputting and displaying of the Chinese character in high-end electronic products, as well as the application of intelligent terminals are widely used more and more. At present, the number of terminals are widely used in the inputting method of Chinese character which are Nokia's T9 inputting method, Motorola's iTAP inputting method and Erics-son's words inputting method. At present, LCD and digital keyboard to achieving the man-machine interactive interface are widely used in intelligent terminals. In different applications, the requirements of human-computer interface is different, some cases require only some simple showing and choosing of parameters, and  some information terminals, as well as require the inputting about text.
The design in AT89C55WD single-chip platform makes up simple phonetic inputting method,  the inputting form is to enter a number string through the numeric keypad by users, the system shows the number of strings which corresponds to the alphabet ,choosing by users, the array of a homonym elements point to a string of Chinese characters. when users choose r a Chinese character can be encoded in the GB2312 Chinese characters. It can retrieve the starting position of the character matrix through the GB2312 Chinese character dot-matrix code matrix in the database . Finaly the 128 × 64 dot matrix LCD module is used for the output showing device, to realize the inputting about the Chinese characters, English letters, numbers, punctuation marks, text input and so on.
Key words:  AT89C55WD; Pinyin input method; TS12864A-3 LCD; Chinese font Principle

1.1 设计任务


目  录    13000字
引言    1
1  设计任务及要求    2
1.1 设计任务    2
1.2 设计要求    2
1.3 设计思路    2
1.4 方案选择与论证    2
1.4.1 人机接口模块的选择    2
1.4.2 拼音输入法方案    3
1.4.3 12864液晶    3
1.5 工作原理简介    3
1.6 系统原理框图    4
2  硬件设计    4
2.1 4×4按键    4
2.2 AT89C55WD单片机    5
2.3 12864液晶    6
3  软件设计    8
3.1 按键扫描模块    9
3.2  LCD显示模块    9
3.3 文字输入模块    10
4  系统制作过程    16
4.1 硬件制作和调试    16
4.2 软件调试    17
4.2.1 按键部分调试    17
4.2.2 12864LCD部分    17
4.2.3 中文全拼输入法调试    18
5   操作说明    19
5.1 输入汉字    20
5.2 输入英文字母    21
5.3 输入数字    21
5.4 输入符号    22
5.5 退格键    22
5.6 总效果图    22
6  结论    22
谢  辞    24
参考文献    25
附录一  电路原理图    26
附录二  电路PCB    26
附录三  显示过程图    27
附录四  实物图    28




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