
摘  要:目前。它弥补了现行交通灯的不足,交通违章或肇事记录不确切。按绿灯指示方向行驶(向左、直行和向右) , 人行道在南面车辆放行时,使程序具有良好的可读性、可维护性和可移植性,使用可编程操控器,使交通更为安全可靠,使交通保持顺畅的目的。
(2)急车强通信号只能响应一路方向的来车,信号灯系统开始工作,保证了在任一时刻只有一个方向为绿灯,依此类推,次序为东、北、南、西,绿灯的放行时间初始设定值为 30秒,依次放行次序南、东、西、北。随后按正常时序操控。无急车时,其他时间为红灯;同样,信号的状态立即转为急车放行方向的绿灯闪亮3次。
南北主干道 左转绿 10S 直行绿 30S 绿闪3S 黄2S 红 45S 右行红10S 绿 78S
东西人行道 绿 27S 绿闪3S 红60S
东西主干道 红 45S右行红10S 绿 78S左转绿 10S 直行绿 30S 绿闪3S 黄2S
南北人行道 红60S 绿27S 绿闪3S
交通灯示意图如图3.2所示,我国许多大中城市的交通压力都非常大。人行道只有绿灯和红灯,系统将停止在初始状态,简单明了,直行绿灯30S,直行绿灯,直行绿灯,直到急车通过为止,由放行车道的绿、红灯并联操控,绿灯结束后,用步进操作指令简化设计程序,用传统的方法实现难度较大,然后接3S绿闪,然后接3S绿闪,有急车来时,时间结束后绿灯闪三次(1秒一次),改善与提高现有的交通系统的工作效率,按正常循环时序操控,所有信号灯都熄灭。每个方向循环一次90秒 。南北人行道通行绿灯应在南北向主干道直行绿灯点亮3S后才允许点亮,绿灯闪亮3S,红灯亮,三秒后黄灯灭,红灯亮。

目   录
第1章  绪论 1
1.1交通灯发展现状 1
1.2交通灯监控系统的设计意义 1
1.3 PLC的产生与发展 2
1.4 S7-200系列可编程序操控器 2
1.5 PLC操控设计内容及任务 3
第2章 交通灯系统总体方案论证 4
2.1单片机系统操控 4
2.2可编程序操控器操控 4
2.3继电器接触操控 4
2.4操控方案的确定 5
第3章 系统硬件设计 7
3.1系统的组成框图 7
3.2交通灯的操控过程 7
3.3 PLC的选型 8
3.4扩展模块的选择 11
3.4.1  扩展模块的选择 11
3.4.2  EM222的端子连线图 11
3.4.3  扩展模块与主机的连接形式 11
3.4.4  I/O分配 11
3.4.5  PLC主机与扩展模块以及交通灯的硬件连接图 13
第4章  系统软件设计 14
4.1系统操控过程 14
4.2流程图 14
4.2.1  交通灯正常循环运行逻辑流程图 14
4.2.2  急车强通操控的逻辑流程图 16
4.3交通灯工作时序图 17
4.4梯形图 18
4.5操作流程及运行结果 26
4.5.1  操作流程 26
4.5.2  运行结果 30
第5章  总结与展望 33
5.1 总结 33
5.2 展望 33
毕业设计体会 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
英文翻译资料 37

Base on the PLC’s research and design of controlling the traffic light
Abstract: At present, traffic pressure in many large and medium-sized cities in China is very great. Some traffic lights’s working hours is unreasonable, violation and records of the incident is inaccurate too. Therefore, to improve and enhance the existing transport system's efficiency and strengthen the control of traffic lights and monitoring the security situation is very important.
Design using the design of the main PLC to achieve the control of traffic lights at a crossroads. To achieve regulation of the flow, so that the purpose of smooth traffic. It made up for the inadequacy of the existing traffic lights and at the same time overcome the motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle access between the shortcomings of the cross, to avoid traffic accidents, ensure that at any one time in only one direction for the green light for vehicles, so that more safe and reliable transport to prevent the emergence of a traffic accident. Other special vehicles, such as: fire engines, ambulances, police vehicles, emergency vehicles and other works, in an emergency situation must be forced through the crossroads, the opening of the emergency vehicles pass strong manner without causing a traffic accident. Process design, analysis of a wide range of traffic control principles, to achieve with traditional methods difficult, the use of programmable controllers, stepping operation instruction by simplifying the design process, so that the procedure has good readability, maintainability and portability, simplicity, reliability, very high.
The system uses the Siemens S7-200 series, so the host CPU226 to make the main engine, matches expands module EM222. In the design uses S7-200 programming software STEP 7 - Micro/WIN3.2 to carry on the programming. Uses methods design procedure which the smooth functional diagram and the trapezoidal chart unify. Realizes to the city intersection reasonable control .
Keywords: PLC controlling system;Trapezoidal diagram;Traffic Light

信号灯受启动及停止按钮的操控,避免了交通事故,若两个方向先后来急车,而且克服了在同一时刻机动车辆和非机动车辆之间的交叉通行的缺点,绿灯闪烁三秒后常亮。实现对城市十字路口的合理操控。采用次序功能图与梯形图相结合的方法设计程序。设计中采用S7-200编程软件STEP 7 - Micro/WIN3.2进行编程。以下面一个十字路口为例 (传感器及红绿灯操控端口设置见表一) , 该路口操控为一般采用的方法,配以扩展模块EM222。



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