
摘  要
自二十世纪六十年代美国推出可编程逻辑操控器(Programmable Logic Controller。随着计算机技术、信号处理技术、操控技术网络技术的不断发展和用户需求的不断提高,PLC得到了快速发展,PLC在开关量处理的基础上增加了模拟量处理和运动操控等功能。
关键词:PLC   电机    调速系统   通信  变频调速操控系统
PLC control AC motor speed regulation system Design and Implementation
Since the sixties the twentieth century the United States launched a programmable logic controller (Programmable Logic Controller, PLC) has replaced the traditional relay control device, PLC has been rapid development, is widely used around the world. Meanwhile, PLC function is also improved. With computer technology, signal processing technology, control technology and network technology for the continuous development of rising user demand, PLC basis of the switch rate treatments to treat volumes added to the simulation and motion control functions. PLC today no longer limited to logic control, motion control, process control and other fields also play an important role.
PLC has a simple structure, easy programming, superior performance, flexible and versatile, easy to use, high reliability and ability to wait out a series of interference with the advantages of automation in industrial production process has been widely applied. Therefore, the master PLC technology is the transformation of traditional production techniques and equipment, important way. Meanwhile, industrial production, all process, the movement is always necessary, exercise the majority of the electrical power source, so the motor speed has become the focus of our study, widely used today in the PLC will naturally think of PLC in the motor speed effect, this paper, frequency control system, a PLC-based Implementation of fuzzy control strategy. First of all, PLC-based fuzzy control of frequency control system design, and then focus for IPC and PLC and the communication between PLC and inverter programming. Then discusses the principle and structure of the fuzzy controller, and research and design a motor speed fuzzy controller. SIEMENS PLC-based fuzzy control strategy of the project implementation, and gives a key part of the program. This paper studied frequency control system bridge crane, crane motor speed can be adjusted to achieve, and to adapt production to meet energy needs. This system uses PLC PLC fuzzy control retains the reliable, flexible, adaptable and so on, and also enhance the level of intelligent control systems and systems of static and dynamic characteristics. Simulation results show that this system can achieve precise control of motor speed, practical, has a potential market value.
Key words:Motor  Speed Control System  Communicate
Frequency Control System

结合变频调速系统,PLC)取代传统继电器操控装置以来,PLC的功能也不断完善。仿真结果表明,利用STEP 7一micro/win32对模糊操控算法进行编程实现


目     录     30000字
摘  要    1
第 1章 绪论    4
1.1 PLC的发展前景    4
1.2起重机的发展状况和研究趋势    5
1.3传统桥式起重机操控系统的特点及存在的问题    7
1.4起重机调速技术的发展现状    8
1.5模糊操控理论概况    10
1.6本论文的研究意义及主要内容    11
第2章  频调速操控技术的基本原理    13
2.1交流电机变频调速技术    13
2.2变频器    16
2.2.1变频器的类型    16
2.2.2变频器的基本结构    17
2.2.3变频器的主电路    17
2.2.4变频器的操控电路    18
2.3现代变频调速的操控方式    18
2.4变频调速与传统串电阻调速效果比较    19
第3章  变频调速系统的总体设计    22
3.1桥式起重机系统简介    22
3.2 系统总体方案设计    22
3.3 系统部件的选择    24
3.4系统的通信程序设计    25
3.4.1 PLC与上位机之间的通信    25
3.4.2 PLC通信程序框图    28
第4章 系统模糊操控器的设计    33
4.1模糊操控理论    33
4.1.1模糊操控的基本思想    33
4.1.2模糊操控特点    34
4.2模糊操控系统的组成    35
4.3模糊操控器的组成    36
4.4电机转速模糊操控器的设计    37
4.4.1确定模糊操控器的输入变量和输出变量    38
4.4.2输入、输出变量的论域及参数的确定    38
第5章  模糊操控变频调速系统的实现及仿真    43
5.1 PLC的基本结构和工作原理    43
5.1.1 PLC的基本结构    43
5.1.2 PLC的工作原理    45
5.2 PLC操控系统的整体设计    46
5.3模糊操控的PLC实现    47
5.4模糊操控变频调速系统的仿真    48
第6章  总结与展望    51
参考文献    53
致     谢    54

2.以SIMATIC$7-200 PLC为操控器,实用性强,在运动操控、过程操控等领域也发挥着十分重要的作用。对基于 SIEMENS  PLC模糊操控策略进行了工程实现研究,并将其与传统PID操控效果进行比较分析


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