

This article describes the significance and usage of coal preparation, also introduced automated Preparation System based on PLC. To ensure safe and reliable, and to realize the aim of high efficiency we designed the conveyor belt automatic transport system base on PLC programmable controller, addition with the necessary equipment. Coal from the bunker out of conveyor belt through 1 # sent vibrating screen, vibrating screen, after screening a small leak to 4 # coal conveyor belt feeding coal washing plant, a large coal conveyor belt is transported through the 3 # grinding machine, after smash after arrival, after 2 # and 4 # conveyor belts, territory to coal washing plant. Mill consists of three limit switch monitoring, if too much coal, it will signal transmitted by the PLC-controlled inverter, inverter # 1 is regulating the speed coal conveyor belt. Start with manual or automatic, automatic transmission tasks can be done automatically; manual single motor can be run separately, to maintenance purposes.

Keywords :PLC, conveyor belt, vibrating screen, crusher, inverter

目录   21000字
摘要    II
前言    - 1 -
第1章PLC原理介绍及总体结构介绍    - 2 -
1.1 PLC发展历程及选题意义    - 2 -
1.2 PLC操控系统设计的基本准则    - 4 -
1.2.1 最大限度地满足被控对象的操控要求    - 4 -
1.2.2. 保证PLC操控系统安全可靠    - 4 -
1.2.3 力求简单、经济、使用及维修方便    - 5 -
1.2.4适应发展的需要    - 5 -
1.3 可编程序操控器PLC的分类    - 5 -
1.4 CPU的构成    - 7 -
1.5 系统总体结构图    - 8 -
1.6工作流程图    - 10 -
第2章 硬件电路设计    - 11 -
2.1硬件选型    - 11 -
2.1.1 PLC选型    - 11 -
2.1.2 电机的选型    - 18 -
2.1.3 变频器的选型    - 20 -
2.2 操控电路    - 23 -
2.3 主电路图    - 24 -
第3章 系统的软件设计    - 26 -
3.1 STEP7编程软件介绍    - 26 -
3.1.1 STEP7-Mirco/WIN的安装    - 26 -
3.1.2 STEP7-Mirco/WIN窗口组件    - 28 -
3.2 PLC编程语言的基本指令系统和编程方式    - 33 -
3.3 系统梯形图    - 36 -
3.4 I/O分配表    - 40 -
总结    - 41 -
参考文献    - 43 -
致谢    - 44 -


关键词 :  PLC,达到减人提效的目的,输送带,辅以必要的设备,设计了输送带自动运输系统。达到维修目的


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格式: DOCX
