

关键字: 非接触  无线   巡更

Non-contact wireless petrol system can in the provision of duty time strictly in accordance with the tour more time more route and tour in effective time, collection and storage patrolman read more point of time and tour information; more point tour In the effective time, someone reading tour inspection tour more point more points are valid, whether in allow time periods, more point effectively and in tour of the corresponding period is allowed the markers and keep this tour, the good situation more events, or tags for indiscipline tip information. It can identify different categories tags (petrol point), different control personnel on duty time and allow the patrol the duty limits and route etc; Can complete patrolled, also can register for different operation personnel on duty time and allow the patrol the duty range, route etc Settings, to effectively control patrol effectiveness. System equipped with convenient PC management software, can complete set, inquiry, statistics and automatically generate statements, and other functions, convenient management personnel by department or date inquires the statistical attendance, travel, leave, truly realize various record of attendance petrol automation management. Has the hardware administrator permissions to tour personnel but more machines to various hardware Settings, through the keys and the menu on the LCD option set more machine tour.
 In addition, as an independent, tour handheld system more function complete collection, preservation and query data operation, and less consumption, equipped with large capacity can be rechargeable battery, sustainable long time work normally.

Key word:  non-contact   wireless   petrol


非接触式无线巡更系统由PC、巡更机、RS232/ 485及UART转USB接口装置、巡更点标签等部分组成。拥有硬件管理员权限的人员可对巡更机进行各种硬件设置,操控不同值勤人员的巡逻时间及允许的值勤范围和路线等;可以完成巡逻人员登记操作,并保存该巡更事件的良好情况,并且耗电少、配有可重复充电的大容量电池,巡更点有效且在允许的时间段则进行相应的标记,巡更机能完成采集、保存和查询数据等操作,对考勤数据进行处理,在有效时间段采集、保存巡逻人员读巡更点的时间和巡更点信息;在非有效时间内,和老师交流的方式来完成毕业设计。


摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
第1章 绪论    1
1.1课题的意义与目的    1
1.2国内研究现状    2
1.3本文完成的主要内容    3
第2章  系统硬件设计    4
2.1 系统总体结构    4
2.2   操控模块设计    5
2.2.1  AT89S52芯片介绍    5主要性能    5引脚说明    6
2.2.2特殊功能寄存器    10
2.2.3存储器结构    12
2.2.4看门狗定时器    12
2.2.5 UART    13
2.2.6定时器 0 和定时器1    13
2.2.7定时器 2    14
2.2.8中断源    15
2.3 射频无线接口模块设计    16
2.4 串口转USB模块设计    17
2.5  存储器模块设计    19
2.6时钟铁电存储缓冲模块    20
2.6.1 数据收集存储    21
2.6.2 配置信息存储    21
2.6.3 非易失性缓冲器    21
2.6.4  SRAM 的替代和扩展存储器    22
2.7 无线电子标签    22
2.7.1无线电子标签的工作原理    22
2.7.2 电子纸显示模块    23
2.7.3 数据存储和处理系统    24
第3章   系统软件设计    26
3.1 键盘处理模块    26
3.2 无线通信操控协议模块    27
3.3 管理软件设计    29
3.3.1 目的    30
3.3.2 功能    30
结束语    33
参考文献    34
致谢    35

单片机操控软件由FM3316驱动模块、Flash读写驱动模块、LCD驱动模块、键盘处理模块、 串口转USB通信模块、无线通信操控模块协议、命令处理以及菜单处理模块组成。
另外,通过USB接口与巡更机相联接,对巡更机进行各种设置,由单片机、 存储器、实时时钟、读巡更点接口模块、按键输入、液晶显示等模块组成。先确定“总-分-总”的设计方式,通过按键和液晶显示器上的菜单选项设置巡更机。重点非接触式无线巡更系统问题


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格式: DOCX
