
摘  要

摘  要    III
Abstract    IV
目录    V
1 绪论    1
   1.1 课题的来源及其意义    1
1.1.1 课题的来源    1
1.1.2 课题的意义    1
2 超声波清洗    3
2.1.1 什么是超声波?    3
2.1.2 超声波清洗的原理    3
2.1.3 影响超声波清洗效果的因素及选择    3
2.1.4 超声波清洗的特点    6
2.1.5 超声波清洗技术在我国的发展及现状    10
3 超声波清洗机的结构设计    11
3.1 清洗机总体结构的设计    11
3.2 传动部分的设计    12
3.2.1 方案的选择    12
3.2.1 电机的选择    13
3.2.2 链轮的设计选择    14
3.2.3齿轮齿条的选择和校核    15
3.3 机械手执行件的设计    18
3.3.1 提升架的设计    18
3.3.2 其它零部件的设计    19
3.4 其它部件说明    21
3.4.1技术参数说明    21
3.4.2 装置主要装置    26
4 电气部分设计    27
4.1 电器元件    27
4.1.1 增量式编码器    27
4.1.2 温控器    27
4.1.3 变频器    28
4.1.4 触摸屏    29
4.2  PLC操控系统简介    29
4.3  PLC的安装,不易发生故障。该系统是综合运用了机电一体化技术,在电控方面主要用到PLC进行操控,噪音低,及系统的维护    31
4.4  PLC 操控系统的设计    33
4.3.1 操控流程的拟订    33
4.3.2 PLC操控电路元器件的选用及电气原理图的绘制    34
4.3.3 PLC程序的编制    34
5 总结    36
    致谢    37
参考文献     38

Ultrasonic cleaning began in the early 1950s, with the development of technology application widening. Currently has been widely used in electronic industry, semiconductor device, cleaning tube parts and printing circuit, relays, switches and filter; etc. Mechanical industry for the cleaning gears, bearings, diesel oil, fuel filter, valves and other mechanical parts, such as engine and missile components, such as watch of small parts, Again, such as optical and medical equipment used for washing various aspects lens, glasses and frame, glassware, medical and surgical instruments, etc.;The system is the integrated use of mechatronics technology, mainly used in the electronic control PLC control, PLC has high reliability, strong anti-interference ability, good flexibility, easy programming, the overall system of the original complex action into a fairly simple operation, the electrical system with Mitsubishi PLC control, control electronics are made of new materials or imported brand-name components, durable, low noise, reliability and operability of the system are improved.

Key words: ultrasonic, Cleaner,PLC.

3.1 清洗机总体结构的设计


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