
关键词:X62W万能铣床  PLC  操控系统

With the requirement of increasing the degree of industrial automation, milling machine, as commonly used machine tools, improve the degree of automation is imminent, especially noteworthy is combined with today's cutting-edge technology to its control system technical renovation, in order to adapt to the development of industry.
This graduation design mainly is the study of the PLC technology to the electric control system of X62W universal milling machine technical renovation. The main content of the research include: first, the control principle of X62W milling machine and retrofit scheme is put forward, and then choose the appropriate PLC module for wiring design, then design it ladder diagram and the program list, the last is the application of S7-200 software program simulation debugging, such as the spindle control, feed control, lighting control, cooling pump control simulation debugging. Design the interlock between the whole control process control, to ensure the accuracy of the control system and swifter.
In addition, the design also puts forward some technical measures about the safety of the milling machine, guarantee the safety of the system control. This design has a good application and use value.
Keywords:X62W universal milling machine  PLC  control system

1  绪论    1
1.1  课题设计的背景与意义    1
1.2  国内外应用情况    1
1.3  相关知识    2
1.4  本课题的主要研究内容    4
2  X62W万能铣床工作原理与整体方案    5
2.1  X62W万能铣床的基本结构与工作原理    5
2.2  整体方案    11
3  硬件设计    13
3.1  PLC的选型准则    13
3.2  I/0分配表    14
3.3  基于PLC的硬件接线图设计    15
3.4  电气操控的安全技术措施    16
4  软件设计    18
4.1  主轴电动机设计    18
4.2  进给电动机设计    19
4.3  其它操控的PLC梯形图设计    20
4.4  PLC操控系统抗干扰设计    21
5  仿真调试    23
5.1  主轴电动机M1操控的仿真调试    23
5.2  进给电动机操控的仿真调试    24
5.3  其它操控程序的仿真调试    27
结论    30
致谢    31
参考文献    32
附录    33
附录A  操控程序梯形图    33
附录B  操控程序语句表    35



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