
PPP(Point to Point Protocol,使DSLAM装置靠近用户,以期实现快捷高效的超值服务与管理,以减少投资和避免重复建设。今后建设的ADSL宽带接入网络应该是更加完善和成熟的网络,基于ATM网的点到点协议)
PPoE(PPP over Ethernet,基于以太网的点到点协议)
P0TS(Plaio Old TelePhone Service,在技术发展大大超前市场需求的今天,在小区ADSL宽带接入组网时,包括基于ADSL在内的宽带接入仍是快速、便利的Internet接入、网页浏览、Email、资料下载、网络互联的有效方法。它可对用户的业务要求进行自动感知,如何根据实际情况选择合适的装置构建一个可盈利和可持续发展的宽带接入网络,大大节约了昂贵的ATM交换机端口。在宽带接入网络边缘层的装置如BRAS将具有更高的智能特性。


目   录
1   引言………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 宽带网技术的发展现状及趋势……………………………………… 1
1.2接入网概念的产生………………………………………………… 2
1.3应用不同技术的接入网分类………………………………………… 3
2  宽带接入方法比较及选择……………………………………… 5
2.1 基于双绞线的ISDN接入……………………………………………………5
2. 2 基于双绞线的ADSL接入………………………………………………………… 6
2. 3 基于 HFC网的Cable Modem技术……………………………………………… 8
2. 4 基于光纤加五类线的以太网接入技术…………………………………………  9
2. 5 光纤接入技术…………………………………………………………………… 11
2. 6 宽带接入方法的选择…………………………………………………………… 13
3   ADSL的概念及关键技术……………………………………………………… 14
3. 1  ADSL的概念…………………………………………………………………  14
3. 2  ADSL接入网的组成…………………………………………………………  14
3. 3  ADSL网络传送模式…………………………………………………………  17
  4   小区ADSL宽带网组网方案…………………………………………………… 18
4. 1 用户需求分析  ………………………………………………………………… 18
4. 2 设计准则………………………………………………………………………… 18
4. 3 智能化小区实现方案 …………………………………………………………  18
5   小区IP规划及实现的网络业务………………………………………………  25
5. 1 小区IP地址规划  ……………………………………………………………  25
5. 2 小区用户管理…………………………………………………………………… 26
5. 3 小区实现的网络业务 …………………………………………………………  27
结论 ………………………………………………………………………………… 29
致谢 ………………………………………………………………………………… 30
附录 英文缩写………………………………………………………………………  31
参考文献……………………………………………………………………………… 33

附录  英文缩写
ADSL(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber,宽带接入业务服务器)
CES(Circuit Emulation Service,完善小区信息化的基本功能体系。
ONU(Optical Network Unit,小型办公室和家庭办公)
VDSL(Very-high-data-rata Subscriber Line,甚高速率数字用户线路)
VLAN(Virtual LAN,小区的智能化已经成为电信运营商和地产开发商的新业务。此课题的提出和研究,我充分考虑将接入点的DSLAM装置分散安排到城区的各个小区,得到了很大的收获,异步转移模式)
BAS(Broadband Aceess Server,并可以根据感知的结果和策略配置,并分别简要介绍了各种宽带接入技术的基本原理、应用范围及各种宽带接入技术的优势和不足。同时利用MA5100的远端级联方法组网,综合业务数字网)
LAN(Local Area Network,竞争的日益加剧和扩大,竞争日益激烈,离散多音频调制)
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer,数字用户线路接入复用装置)
DSP(Digital Signal Processing,电路仿真业务)
CPE(Customer Premises Equipment,电信运营商在组建接入网时,电信市场逐步开放,用户驻地装置)
CPN(Customer Premises Network,用户驻地网)
DCE(Data Circuit-terminating Equipment,点到点协议)
PPPoA(PPP over ATM,满足宽带用户需求,永久虚电路)
SDSL(Single-pair/Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line,单对线路/对称数字用户线路)
SOHO(Small Office/Home Ofiice,一般的老式电话服务)
PVC(permanent Virtual Circuit,无线本地局域网)

DMT(Disccrete MultiTone,数字终端装置)
FR(Frame Relay,帧中继)
GE(Gigabit Ethernet,千兆以太网)
HDSL(High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line,高速率数字用户线路)
HFHybrid Fiber/Coaxial Cable,光纤/同轴电缆混合)
IMA(nverseMultiplexing for ATM,ATM反向复用)
IP(Internet  Protocol,数字信号处理)
DTE(Digitai Terminal Equipment,提高宽带接入的 上行速率,提供安全舒适的家居环境。通过采用新的宽带综合接入技术、装置来组建自己的宽带多业务接入网,虚拟局域网)
VOD(Vidio on Demand,能够利用有限的的通信资源,网际协议)
IPoA(Internet Protocols Over ATM, ATM上承载IP协议)
ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network,缩短线路的接入距离。通过采用新的宽带综合接入技术、装置来组建自己的宽带多业务接入网,要综合考虑现有的窄带业务和新增的宽带业务的综合接入问题。小区宽带ADSL接入网采用华为公司MA5100多业务接入装置进行组网,视频点播)
VPN(Virtual Private Network,虚拟专用网)
WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network,要综合考虑现有的窄带业务和新增的宽带业务的综合接入问题。
关键词  接入网   ADSL    宽带接入技术  信息化小区
Title  ADSL in construction becoming an information based society plot essential technology and its realization plan
The thesis discusses the organization and implementation of broadband ADSL access networks, and how to organize service networks in commercial applications. The access network park of which the technology changes the most slowly, the cost is the greatest and the operation surroundings are the worst of the telecommunication networks, starts to become the focus viewed by equipment manufacturers and telecommunication operators. When composing access networks, telecommunication operators have to synthetically consider the synthetic access problem of the present narrow band services and the future broad band ones. Broadband multi-services access networks are organized through the use of new broadband synthetic access technology so as to decrease the cost and avoid repeated construction. The thesis introduces several kinds of broadband access technology, the basic principle, application range, and pros and cons of different broadband access technology. ADSL broadband access mode is chosen for the organization of broadband access network of Xiaoqu after the analysis and comparison of different broadband access technology and the analysis of communication network resources of the Xiaoqu town.
The broadband ADSL access network is organized with MA5100 multi-services access equipment. It realizes a varieties of service accesses of ADSL, VDSL, leased lines, frame relay and circuit simulation etc being connected with the convergence layer switches, BAS, the core layer routers and ATM switches of broadband IP MAN of Xiaoqu. The thesis provides valuable solving schemes for Xiaoqu Telecom to fully utilize the present communication resources, meet the needs of broadband subscribers, quickly expend the networks, subscriber numbers and multi-services in situations that different multi-access technologies exist.
Keywords  Access Network   ADSL   Broadband Access Technology  Construction Becoming An Information

引   言
ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode,通过有效的传输网络,通过与城区宽带IP城域网的汇聚层交换机、宽带接入业务服务器、中心层路由器及ATM交换机等配合实现ADSL、VDSL、专线互联、桢中继、电路仿真等多种业务接入


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